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When I am asked what a Reikist is and does, my reply is:


Are you feeling anxious, tense, overwhelmed or stressed?


Or maybe you just want to maintain feeling healthy and balanced...


Or perhaps you have an emotional condition like panic attack, depression, irritable bowel, etc you would like  to address and control more effectively.


Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a gentle hands-on spiritual Japanese technique which "balances" us overall (physical, mental, emotional and spiritually). Its main characteristics are: it is not invasive and it can be given either in person or at distance no matter wherever you are. Sounds magic? But it is not at all. Besides, it is not connect to any particular religion at all. It is just a spiritual practise very effective and fast.


The benefits can be felt the same day you receive Reiki.

It improves sleep and insomnia with a great relaxation and complements medical treatments to help with healing. 


It is ideal for any person who wants to get rid of stress fast, pilots and aircraft crew members who deal permanently with jet lag and night flights side effects, people after a surgery or injuries, or suffering from any sexual dysfunction where the main cause is mental or emotional. Also, it leads you to look a radiant face should you need to attend a party!


In a few words, TRY REIKI, if you want to feel good and balanced overall!


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